A couple walking down a street.

A focus on your sight could change your life!

Did you know that eye health is an important part of your overall health? This National Minority Health Month, take charge of your eye health with tools and information from Eye Health, My Health — NEI’s eye health campaign for Black/African American people.

Explore Eye Health, My Health webpage

NEI Research News

fundus photo showing diabetic retinopathy

Wayne State University receives NIH grant to combat sight damage from diabetes

A five-year grant will fund research investigating biological processes that contribute to defects in immune response in the eyes of those with diabetes and identify methods to reverse them.
LCA is an inherited disorder that causes vision loss in childhood. It primarily affects the functioning of the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, as shown here. Photo credit: National Eye Institute

Participants of pioneering CRISPR gene editing trial see vision improve

About 79% of clinical trial participants experienced measurable improvement after receiving experimental, CRISPR-based gene editing that is designed to fix a rare form of blindness.
Qiuhua Yang, Yuqing Huo and Yongeng Cai in a laboratory.

MCG scientists identify new treatment target for leading cause of blindness

A gene previously implicated in the development of atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries could be key to understanding why many people don’t benefit from the most used therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Funding for Vision Research

NEI funds more than 1,500 research and training grants to vision scientists across the country and around the world.

Learn more about funding opportunities